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An interesting interview with Battle Fetus where he will tell you how to higher your chances of winning!

As I looked for someone willing to let me pry myself into their business Battle Fetus jumped in and gave me the opportunity to bother him for a while. We spoke of a few different things and here is what went down:
•Okay so firstly, how did you come up with the name “Battle Fetus?”
~Oooh. So I was playing Pokémon Black and White and there is this Pokémon called Reuniclus and it’s literally based on a Fetus. I needed a psychic type, so I caught it. I named it "Battle Fetus" because it was funny to me. I outgrew my old username and needed a new one and Battle Fetus filled the role pretty well. Fetus is also something I enjoy being called (dont know why.)
•How did you find ModMurder and what made it so interesting to you?
~I was browsing wowthissubexists (I think the first day of ModMurder) and found the sub. The memes were good and I loved the concept. It sparked a lot of nostalgia from Total Drama Island and that’s what made me stay. The game is fun still but I think the community is whats keeping me here now that the total drama theme is gone.
•What would you say has been your favorite memory here?
~Probably my time as a Skeletor cultist in season one when TsunTsunJaime was still here. For all you newdudes out there TsunTsun was an EMT who posted Skeletor memes. He had some incredibly loyal followers such as I back then. If I recall correctly, I'm the only original Skeletor cultist still here. But there are newer ones such as seal.
•That sounds pretty neat actually, wow! We don’t seem to do things like that here anymore.
~We do a little bit. Kind of like your society. Or [REDACTED].
•How do you think we could improve ModMurder? What changes, what should be added. Things of that matter.
~100% Mod transparency for sure. We should reinstate the total drama island theme but that may just be nostalgia talking. We should have divided factions such as chog cult, skeletor cult, and [REDACTED]. I also think there should be alliances and not just false hate.
•And you are a junior mod correct?
•Do you feel the position of junior mod is important in any way?
~Hell yes. The main purpose of junior mods is to train mods. As you can see, I do a lot with roles and emojis. While the mods and admins take care of the important stuff, us juniors do the fun stuff. Do I wish to be promoted? Yes. But I don’t crave it. I’m content as I am now but I don’t want to settle.
•Maybe we should set the position as a timed one? Something like you need to be JM for x amount of time before you then get promoted.
~That’s a good idea. I’m still annoyed jdavis isn’t discord mod yet. He doesn’t suck Sniper’s dick though so it makes sense.
•Are you rooting for anyone this season? Anybody you want out?
~Probably [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] is great but already has a spot so he definitely shouldn’t win. [REDACTED] would be my second choice. I would go into detail but I have an oath. And I like Sniper I never break my word. My second choice contestant just sucks his dick and gets rewarded for it. Third choice would be [REDACTED] just because they’re awesome. And if my second choice contestant breaks our oath I will release screenshots and get them out. We don’t need another Sniper in power.
•Has s4(.5) lives up to what you expected from it?
~Look, I was here for S4.0 so yes it has at least tripled my expectations.
•That’s good to hear. I know I’ve definitely enjoyed being apart of it. What do you expect from season 5?
~It’s so dependent. Turtle and bone might get sacked by sniper. Thats the worst case scenario. But there may also be a new headmod. I expect either a fun game with good challenges or an authoritarian dictatorship.
•Okay! So one last question. Do you have any tips for current contestants? We’re getting to the grit of the season it seems and things could be getting tense.
~Don’t be a dick. Lotad was using my personality during his first season. It was a joke but not everyone perceives it to be. I didn't even use my personality during the first season. Be wholesome. And finally the most important advice: DM me your credit card number, the expiration date, and the three numbers on the back.
OKAY! So that concludes my interview with Battle Fetus! Some very interesting opinions I would say. Don’t forget to DM him the information so you get a better chance of winning!
*Redacted information is to protect contacts and Battle Fetus himself. Redacted information will not be leaked.
submitted by drkblu to ModMurder [link] [comments]

A New (or Different?) Alignment! (ft. An Actor's Guide to D&D)

Once again, it's been forever. Sorry 'bout that, fam. Life is crazy.
Today, at the risk of just shouting into the wind, I want to have a conversation about alignment. It seems like not a week goes by on this subreddit without people talking about the classic 3x3 alignment system in some way, whether it's debating one or more character's alignments, or just questioning the value of the system as a whole, especially now that 5e has removed any mechanical uses of the term.
For my own part, I like the alignment system. I think having a quick, easy to grok shorthand for how your character views and interacts with the world is a really helpful tool, particularly for newer players who are still getting into the groove of roleplaying. However, where I think it falls flat is in many people's use of alignment as an absolute moral compass.
For instance, a Paladin of Pelor, Lawful Good down to the straps on his greaves, comes across a village that has been raided by marauding orcs. In the center of the village, he finds the local church (of Pelor) in flames, a handful of orc deserters dancing around a fire, over which hangs a body, decked out in priestly robes. Perhaps this Paladin's player is enraged by this (I would argue that the Paladin likely would be) and perhaps the DM included this scene specifically for the Paladin to have an opportunity for some interesting roleplay. We've created an opportunity for this Paladin to go off, to perhaps even become cruel, to lose track of their holy code in a moment of rage due to this desecration. Moments like this are what some players live for, and create amazing opportunities for characters and players to grow through the story.
But, if our Paladin player is a by-the-book type when it comes to alignment, all of that may be missed. They might see that little "LG" written on their sheet and think, "I can't let my character get emotional; I might break alignment." This isn't to say that I think that logic is wrong. That sort of constraint on what your character is comfortable could also lead to some really fun storytelling. But, I think that giving your character leeway to act off the cuff will open doors.
To put it in a sentence (that I have heard before around here): Alignment should be descriptive, not prescriptive. It should describe what you generally do, not tell you how to act.
This idea goes back as far as dramatic theory. In The Poetics, Aristotle claims that what the audience sees as a Character is really nothing more than the sum total of that character's Actions throughout the play. What you do leads to who you are. Similarly, in his essay "He's the Kind of Guy Who...," the more modern playwright and dramatic theorist David Mamet argued against the habit actors have of inventing backstories outside of the world of the play. Unless you are given the information by the playwright, it doesn't matter if your character prefers chocolate milkshakes to vanilla, or what they would do if they one the lottery. Now, D&D isn't acting, and backstory is important for us as players, 'cause we don't have a script to work with. But Mamet's point still stands; until you are put into a situation, it doesn't matter what you think your character would do; it's better to look at your actions in the past, act as the moment demands, and base your alignment off of that.
That being said, I personally also have an issue with the specifics of the words used in the 3x3 Alignment System. I feel like the Good-Evil, Lawful-Chaotic dynamics, while evocative, are also very limiting, and the words themselves carry with them some baggage that can subconsciously impact how players view their characters. So, I'd like to come up with some alternatives.
Let's start easy, with Good-Evil. These are fine. Fantasy settings have always had big, unambiguously villainous bad-guys and shiningly faultless heroes. However, if you want a little more nuance, these words tend to feel a bit too polarizing. What's more, let's think about Evil. How many really great characters can you think of that are pure, to the bone Evil. And I don't mean vague-threat characters, like Sauron; I'm talking see-them-again-and-again, always-excited-when-they're-in-an-episode characters. I'd bet, not many. Like, I love me some Skeletor, but mostly for the joke value, not because I feel compelled by him.
Rather, most iconic villains can at least conceivably think that they're doing good. Darth Vader? Well, he's serving the political system that he believes in. Lux Luthor? He's a tycoon, a mogul, his company will improve the world. One of my favorite recent examples is Fisk from season 1 of Daredevil, on Netflix. Dude's a monster, but he's also humanized; you can't help but understand why he's doing the awful things he does.
So, what's the common thread we can use as the "negative" aspect here? Well, I would argue, Selfishness. The main defining difference between most heroes and most villains is that the Baddies are looking out for themselves, while the heroes are looking out for others. That's not to say there aren't selfish good guys, but the end results of their actions still tend to sway more towards the good of the group.
So, Good-Evil could be replaced by Selfless-Selfish. Lawful-Chaotic is trickier, but I would argue much more important; both of these words carry a lot of baggage with them that I personally think is super constrictive. To start with the obvious one, let's look at Chaotic.
Chaotic characters are frequently (not always) played really terribly. I'm sure everyone has played with the player who was Chaotic Neutral, so they did whatever they pleased, memed it up all over the place, and was generally awful to have at the table. Hell, I played my fair share of those characters before I grew up a little bit. But even divorcing ourselves from that particular archetype, what does the word "Chaotic" say about a character? Well, that they're unpredictable, perhaps? That they can't be relied upon? But that isn't in opposition to Lawful. Lawful implies a level of organization, or perhaps discipline, but also carries with it the baggage of being semantically tied to the word "Legal." Suddenly, by making that alignment choice, you cannot in good conscience act outside the law? I know that's not what the alignment means, but it is what that word choice is implying, even on a very subtle level.
So, rather than Lawful-Chaotic, what if we settled with something more open to interpretation? I don't have as concise a choice for this as I did with Selfish-Selfless, but the best I've come up with is Principled-Unscrupulous. A principled character has at least a system of "How-The-World-Should-Be" that they operate within; an unscrupulous character is much more willing to fly by the seat of their pants, or to make choices regardless of consequence.
Now, just for example's sake, lets look at a couple characters that I feel are under served by the current system. First off: Robin Hood. Robin Hood is one of the most-used examples of a Chaotic-Good character, and for fairly obvious reason: he steals from the rich, gives to the poor, breaks the law to help others. That's fine. But Robin Hood isn't chaotic in the slightest. What we just described is a pretty well organized moral system. He has his own principles that he sticks to rigidly. In our new system, Robin would be best described as a Principled-Selfless character. Unscrupulous-Selfless would be more of a Han Solo type character (though he does tend perhaps more towards Unscrupulous-Neutral at times). He comes out as a hero in the end, he gives up on personal safety for his friends, but he's in it much less out of any sense of principle.
Batman is another typically Chaotic-Good character, but let's look at him though this lens. Is he Unscrupulous? In some ways, but he also has rigid codes (no killing, no guns) that he very very rarely reneges on. Is he Selfless? Well, he does things for the greater good, but I would argue that it actually comes from a somewhat selfish place; he fights crime to deal with his own demons, and keeps doing it for himself even when it causes more harm to the people around him. I would place Batman somewhere more in the area of Principled-Neutral, maybe even trending towards Principled-Selfish.
I know this system doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well as Good-Evil, Lawful-Chaotic, but I feel like it might offer more nuanced ways of looking at our characters and how they interact with the world around them. Just remember, alignment is descriptive, not prescriptive. Your character is the sum total of their actions, so anything you do, if it's true to the moment, is "in-character."
Till next time! Let me know in the comments if you have any thoughts on/suggestions for this alignment idea. It's still a work-in-progress in my own head.
submitted by ChrsJWlsn to DnD [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] How ANet is treating Joko feels weird, narratively

So Joko (long may he reign) has been a popular meme here for a while, but I'm having a hard time with how he's portrayed. As someone who never player GW1, I've always heard stories of him as being akin to He-Man's Skeletor, cracking wise and coming up with plots but ultimately only rarely getting anywhere and even occasionally allying with the heroes when there's a bigger foe. I haven't had first-hand experience until PoF and Daybreak and I'm sort of underwhelmed and confused. Because there seem to be two Jokos, at least.
The first Joko is somewhat in line with my expectations. He's the bumbling ruler who gets tricked by Balthazar and is left basically screaming "curse you, He-Man!" in the Domain of the Lost. He's the guy who was supposed to get a song and dance number. He's the guy who tries to impress you with his titles to get your assistance. ANet said they would have Christopher Walken play him if a movie was ever made. etc.
The second Joko is the polar opposite of this. He's the ruthless ruler, merciless killer, and torturer. He's the stereotypical evil villain with no redeeming qualities: a blank slate aside from a twirling moustache. He's, on the fly, deciding to asphyxiate a child inside her golem. He's, as Amala says, Pure Evil.
And this is where I run into thematic problems with Joko. Because how do we square the two? Clearly, he needs to be a threat. He seems to be the driving villain behind Season 4 so he can't just be a joke. And yet, he seems to lose all individuality and character and receed into the general villain pattern of "be as big a dick as possible". You could replace his model and nothing would seem too off about all of Joko's actions coming from a high-ranking dragon minion, evil racial faction leader of your choice, or a moderately intelligent centaur. The first one is morally problematic, but the second one is just plain boring. But we're also being asked to believe they're one in the same.
One theory I've seen is that this isn't the "real" Joko, but someone impersonating him. Not only would that be a lame rehash of Season 3's A plot, but Joko is just as oddly generically sinister in the new fractal. So this isn't a new thing unless we discover that Joko was replaced before he even took over Elona.
In the end, I worry that ANet had an interesting idea for Joko as a unique villain who is just so full of himself that he goes into a Disney musical number to introduce himself, a showboat. But then someone else told them to make him more and more purely monstrous to make it easier to see that he was evil and not entertaining.
submitted by Whilyam to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

[7] Place Museum, 4/1/17, 6 PM to 7:30 PM EST

For reference THIS IS HOW I'M GOING TO REFER TO LOCATIONS ON THE MAP: Bottom quadrants vs top quadrants are seperated by transgender ribbon, and top quadrants seperated by rainbows\
FROM NOW ON, I will be using the word "HELP" when I neewd someone to ID something. Consequently I will delete items that have been solved. So sift through CTRL+F for HELP if you want to contribute

6:30 PM EST 4/1/17

took 20 min break


god I can't wait until this is over why did I sign up for this fml

7:30 PM EST

if its not clear already, I am always starting at the bottomleft → bottom right → topright → top → topleft → middle when I am trying to log these things
76k viewers, timer has been set to 5 minutes (morning was 10 minutes i think)
PSA If you have a revision please send the imgur link in the reply, like for something Idk what it is, so its easier for me to reference, also send one wholesome reply to tell me what to update, its hard to manage message chains with so many replies
PSA I will credit people later on their responses, when this is all over and I have more time
PSA PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ART HAS DIED, its hard to find out sometimes
submitted by mud_born to placemuseum [link] [comments]

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submitted by HailCorporateRobot to PotentialHailCorp [link] [comments]

jokes on you i'm into that skeletor meme video

Weird Things GIRLS Do When Guys DON’T Text Back! - YouTube Messed Up RIDDLES That Will TRICK YOUR MIND - YouTube Jokes On You I'm Into That Memes - YouTube Tiktok Memes That Cured Boringness jokes on you I'm into that shit - YouTube Memes that let my skeleton out - YouTube Is Elijah Cheating on Christine with Tana?  The Maury ... JOKES ON YOU I'M INTO THAT SHIT SKELETOR ORIGINAL SCENE ... Doctor Fact-Checks Media On Coronavirus - YouTube Dime (Mob Psycho 100)

Joke's On You, I'm Into That Shit is a reaction image macro featuring a screenshot from the 1984 fantasy animated television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The meme features the character Skeletor pointing with the caption "joke's on you, I'm into that shit." Online, people use the meme to express acceptance of another's insult as a point of pride. Treat You Better? That’s just not his style. Still, having said that, I’m not about those one-dimensional, all evil, all the time villains. Embrace your sensitive side, Skeletor. You’re more popular than the good guy, after all. 16 When The Dramatic Plot Twist Hits You Like A Speeding SUV Fourteen Skeletor Memes For People Who Are Into That - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere. Jokes on you im into that shit Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes. Draw. Add Image. Spacing Upload new template. Popular. My. Include NSFW. loading... ← Transparency color. Used as background since this image contains transparency. Click to change. More Options. Add Text. Note: font can be customized per-textbox by clicking the gear jokes on you im into that shit Memebase. Favorite. Fourteen Skeletor Memes For People Who Are Into That. Share Show Dropdown. Tweet; Stumble; Pin It; Email; Pretty much everyone is familiar with Skeletor, villain from the classic TV show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. He's been the subject of a plethora of dank memes for a little while now, and we've gotta say, they're all pretty Know Your Meme is a website dedicated to documenting Internet phenomena: viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebs and more. Like us on Facebook! 1. Expanding Brain. January 11th, 2021 10:30 PM. 0 comments. 0. Those Graphics Tho "This game will make you, like, tear-up, man." – "Duncan Trussel on Old School Runescape . January 11th, 2021 9:00 PM. 0 comments. 1. Weekend Meme Roundup Jokes on you im into that shit Template also called: skeletor. Caption this Meme All Meme Templates. Template ID: 252618463. Format: jpg. Dimensions: 292x173 px Save and share your meme collection! Login. Forgot Password. Enter your email or username: Login. Loading comments… Comment s. Share . Share to Reddit. Joke's on you I'm into that shit - Skeletor pointing. Meme Generator Skeletor is the primary antagonist in the Masters of the Universe franchise. He is known for his complete disdain towards is subordinates, as well as his repeated failures at the hands of He-Man. Dec 7, 2020 - Explore Richard playz's board "Skeletor" on Pinterest. See more ideas about skeletor, funny memes, memes.

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Weird Things GIRLS Do When Guys DON’T Text Back! - YouTube

100 DOCTORS TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS: media is doing a poor job informing the public with accurate informatio... i was held at gunpoint and forced into labor with nothing but one sierra mist as compensation. enjoy the fruits of my suffering. Messed Up RIDDLES That Will TRICK YOUR MINDADD ME ON TIKTOK: DangMattSmithINSTAGRAM: Sub to me: my discord server: me on my instagram for offensive me... I decided to do a, how girls act when guys don’t text back, it’s a dramatic version of the real thing, this probably applies to when girls don’t text back if you’re not into guys, I do a bunch of, how girls act, videos, and I thought it would be fun to show how girls act when guys don’t text back, or just kind of, how to text a girl, I hope you enjoy this, love, rclbeauty101, Jokes on you I'm into this meme jokes on you Skeletor's into that shitOriginal Post: Tiktok Joke 5,180,103 views. ... TIK TOKS TO PLUG INTO AND ENJOY 😂🤣 *VINE HUMOR* - Duration: ... memes that i watch when i'm in the house bored - Duration: 16:44. In this promotional Social Sitdown parody, Maury uncovers this year's biggest YouTube scandal. Christine fears her fiancé Elijah has been cheating on her wi... Jokes On You I'm Into That MemesJokes On You I'm Into That MemeHello GuysHere is another daily meme video for you guysthis time its about jokes on you i'm in...

jokes on you i'm into that skeletor meme

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